RWBY Fanon Wiki
This page belongs to The Sleeping Schemer. Vandalism is highly discouraged.

Zeitrer is an external dust chamber created by Brizio Eitri. Its sole purpose is to allow a non-dust user to be able to use dust at ease. However, the conjuration this device can do is singular and not as varied as the average dust user. 

This device is consist of two part, which are :


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Gauth's Zeitrer Chambers[]

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Symin's Zeitrer Chambers[]

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Brizio's Zeitrer Chambers[]

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  • The name "Zeitrer" is derived from the name "Brizio Eitri" and "Zecter" (From Kamen Rider Kabuto).
  • The singular magic conjuration the Zeitrer had is inspired from the Wizard Rings from Kamen Rider Wizard which also conjure singular magic.
  • The Zeitrer Chambers design are inspired from Gaia Memory which also looks like an USB with an unique symbolic letter that represent its function.
  • The Zeitrer Driver design is inspired from IXA Knuckle .
