RWBY Fanon Wiki

SamjaySyndrome SamjaySyndrome 1 September 2016

Condition : Critical

Wazzhup people. Looks like my condition just getting worse to the point couldn't even pay internet bill. So I rented someone else internet and I can't stay very long.

I could have posted this blog on my deviantart but coincidentally, all of my art customer are in this fanon so I thought its a good idea to notice my customer from here.

To all of my customer here : Sorry for the sluggish speed. But don't worry, The commission still proggressing. Except I will have hard time to contact all of you (for approval) as I have to go out to rent, back home to draw/color/etc, and back to rent internet again and so on.

I will contact all of you each by each as soon as I finished the art :) (I couldn't contact through Skype this time arround but I'm gonna…

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SamjaySyndrome SamjaySyndrome 16 November 2015

So.... I dissapeared.

Probably dissappeared for a month. I just feel I've been inactive and wanted to say "hi" and "how are you" to the fanon.

So not only I had some irl issue that causing my absent, I also had 2 other reasons.

First reason..... Well.. I think I already mention this a month ago in chat. I have finally get what I wanted after enduring and fight certain escapade. From now on, I'm starting my training in 3D art, Game programming, sound mixing, and every skill I had in reserve. I'm just happy I can finally use every experience in multimedia I have learned in the past. The fun I truly enjoy in Digital art is actually not merely drawing and design an OC. But it is to design/animate the action about what my OC can do and play as him/her in a gameplay. I fo…

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SamjaySyndrome SamjaySyndrome 4 February 2015

What are your aim?

Ever since the recent event, I increasingly become anxious. Basically, I don't know the exact feeling I am felt now. It just I have certain curiosity that needs to be satisfied.

I imagine myself what if I were in Monty Oum position and ask a lot of question to myself. Have I lived my dream, lived my life to the fulest in Roosterteeth?  Am I satisfied with just some of my idea comes to life (RWBY and RvB)? Do I have any slightest regret for my creation? Do having fan and had a lot of people inspired is enough?

I can't answer that because I'm not Monty Oum let alone know how he exactly felt. Talented people like Monty Oum may have hidden ambition that had yet to realize. It sadden me to unable to see the maximum potential of a person whose tal…

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SamjaySyndrome SamjaySyndrome 31 December 2014

New year resolve? Well here some question....

I knew these New Year resolve thingy gonna come around and we all have our own new year resolves. But the trick question is, have you fulfill your this year resolve?

Last year I vow that :

  • Learn semi realism art.......... FAILED
  • Do more animation work........... Succeed!
    • Made 2 video animations this years and a simple animation.
    • Learnt further about animating.

So how about you?

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SamjaySyndrome SamjaySyndrome 21 November 2014

Samjay's Art of Dinner

Because Dinner is what keeping me fueled to do art. So I tends to imagining food when doing it.

So here I finally decide to take commission art again. If you want some piece of my art, just drop some message in my wallâ„¢.

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