RWBY Fanon Wiki

Character/Weapon Ideas that I may or may not use. Basically, a proof-of-concept type deal that I do in place of making countless OCs.


Gelb Schnee[]

A joke character - name means 'Yellow Snow'

Platypus Faunus[]

Hey, it's a mammal and everything!


Some use for the Nami Tamaki song 'Sanctuary'. It was the opening for an anime I watched when I was younger, called Kiba, and it's quite awesome.


A Combat Llama.


♫ Narwhals, Narwhals, swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, 'cuz they are so awesome. ♫


An airship.


A reference to a character from a show who is in himself a reference to a character from Norse mythology.

Dorian Gray[]

From that one book with the name.

Captain Falcon[]



'Dracula' backwards. Been used a lot as a name for vampires in fiction.

The Tenken[]

Old OC I had, deleted it off the fanon due to disuse


Another old OC


A character who seeks out all mechanical beings who harm humans.


An older character I've been working on for some time now, with a romanesque theme

Team TEAM[]

'cuz YTFN?

for that matter, 

Team YTFN[]

See Above

The Deluded One[]

A character believing themselves to be a 'Chosen One' of sorts


After the Greek Titan of Destruction


After the Greek Titan of Dusk

Split Superhero[]

A character afflicted with MPD, his personality switches from an ordinary lower-class worker to one that believes himself to be a superhero upon his name being called.

Er... kinda based off of Underdog. Because that cartoon is awesome.


The Trent Cannon[]

Named for one of my friends on the site, this weapon has a variety of effects when fired.

The Tsubreaker[]

A powerful Zweihander of mythic proportions.

Lorem ipsum[]

Some form of book-based weapon


Semblance - Friction[]

The ability to manipulate the friction on one's body, allowing them to firmly adhere themselves to things and make things firmly adhere to them.

Semblance - Observation[]

The ability to notice specific qualities about anyone you focus your semblance on - basically, seeing their aura and how they are using it

Semblance - Mirage[]

The ability to alter humidity and heat in air in a certain range to create mirages

Semblance - Energy[]

OP - The ability to alter forms of Energy, e.g. Kinetic, Thermal, etc.

Semblance - Transfer[]

The ability to transfer one's strength from one portion of the body to another - for example, moving all the strength from your arms to your leg when you kick

Dust Whips[]

An old OC that I had that predated RWBY used elemental energy-whip type powers. If you're having trouble visualizing, think the Anton Vanko version of Whiplash from Marvel Comics. The adaptation would be, of course, Dust as opposed to elemental powers.
