RWBY Fanon Wiki
Hello there, I'm Sebastian. I apologize in advance for anything I may say during our discussion.
— Sebastian Introducing Himself

This is a personal Original Character made by Sebi99cl. Do not use without permission.

Sebastian Sonrisa Rougern[]

Sebastian Sonrisa Rougern
Age 18
Nickname Sea Bass, Rogue
Status Active
Color Red
Gender Male
Race Human
Born March 17
Handedness Right
Complexion Tan
Hair Red
Eyes Orange
Height 6'
Weight 185 lbs
Professional Status
Affiliation Beacon
Team Unconfirmed
Partner Unconfirmed
Occupation Hunter-in-Training, Musician for Hire
Additional Info
Likes Video Games, Reading, Writing, His laptop, Driving, Supernatural Occurences, Playing Saxophone
Dislikes Vegetables, Darkness, Bullies
Special Skills Survivalist, Cook, Writer, Skilled Gamer, Saxophonist
Weaknesses Good Food, Good shot to the chest area, breaking his saxophone reed


Sebastian Sonrisa Rougern was born to unknown parents, presumably in the city of Vale. His considered parents discovered him in a dumpster, after being abandoned by his true parents. Sebastian grew up in their household an only child, with nice, caring parents who were a bit overprotective, but still loving enough to give Sebastian his freedom.

When Sebastian was 10, he discovered his love for four things: Music, Video Games, Literature, and Fighting. He learned to play the saxophone, became engrossed in many different video games, and read all the books in his house over one summer break. Fighting, however, was different. He begged for his parents to send him to Signal, and they agreed, on one condition: he must promise not to get involved with wrong groups. Sebastian accepted the offer.

Once at Signal, Sebastian proved his worth by doing well on all of his classes. However, his parents' warnings caused some undesired effects to happen. Sebastian could not tell which were the "wrong crowds", and therefore did not make any friends. However, he was constantly trying to smile, which caused him to have a strange personality in which his mood and expression would change erratically, as well as him saying completely random and unrelated phrases for no reason, causing people to keep away from him and call him names, where his nickname, "Sea Bass", came from, since it alluded from his name.

During his time at Signal, Sebastian built his weapon, Maceophone, and discovered his Aura and Semblance, a red aura and a semblance called Face the Music. His music playing allowed him to perform at many different locales to earn some extra money, while his other likes were mainly done during his free time. Sebastian also enrolled in a survivalist course, teaching him the basics of living in the wilderness.

After his years at Signal, during which he still did not make any friedns or aquaintances, Sebastian joined Beacon.

Physical Description[]

Sebastian has a normal figure for an 18-year-old male, except for his slightly pronounced muscles and large feet, size 13 wide. He has red hair and orange eyes, and his facial expression varies greatly. He has several pronounced scars on his head and neck area: On his lip from when he tripped down some stairs, on his forehead when he ran into a pole at age 5, and on the back of his neck, where he accidentally cut himself while trying to cut his own hair at age 8. 

Sebastian usually wears a red shirt underneath a grey zipper jacket, usually left open. He wears brown khakis and red athletic shoes. He does not care what other people think about his clothing style. He also wears a red baseball cap with his emblem on it: red musical notes on a black background.

Weapons and Abilities[]


Sebastian's weapon is a Musical Grenade Launcher Mace (MGLM). It has three forms: a normal red and gold Alto Saxophone, a red and gold China Lake grenade launcher, and a rounded red and gold mace with a curve at the end. The saxophone mode is used in part with Sebastian's semblance and for playing music normally. The grenade launcher fires one round at a time and uses lightning dust ammunition, and the Mace has a curve that allows Sebastian to grab enemies and pull.

Face the Music[]

Sebastian's Semblance is called Face the Music. When it is used, Sebastian plays a tune onthe saxophone. Each note fires off a shockwave that varies depending on the note: Lower notes make a bigger but weaker shockwave, and higher notes make smaller but more powerful shockwaves. This Semblance also allows him to use the shockwaves for launching himself, knocking back opponents, and generally causing some musical destruction.

Miscellaneous Abilities[]

Sebastian has learned how to cook from his mother, and knows multiple survival skills from his courses. He is adept at playing most video games and can read very quickly, often finishing a long book in the space of 1 and a half days. He can also play the saxophone very well, and has memorized many tunes.


Sebastian does not make friends often, but that does not mean that he is antisocial. Rather, most other people consider him strange and tend to shy away from him. He does not mind this much, however, as he sees friends as a secondary objective in life. 

Sebastian loves fighting. He loves the feeling of hitting another creature, usually Grimm, over and over again until they stop moving. However, he only takes some joy in fighting humans, and does his best not to seriously damage anyone.

Sebastian is straight. He has not gotten anywhere near a relationship, believing them to not be necesary for success in life. He acts normally around the opposite gender, depending on his current mood and expression.


  • This is a personal OC. The entire name alludes to the creator.
  • Sebastian is the creator's first name, Sonrisa is spanish for smile, referencing the author's profile picture, and Rougern is alluding to Rouge, french for Red.

