Godzilla's Arrival[]
At the sea some thing awoke. Due to an distorsion on the nature a force awoke to defeat an bigger evil than Cinder.
Meanwhile at Beacon:
Ruby: So what do you want to do guys?
Weis: I don't know...
*A roar is heard*
Blake: what was that?
Yang: I Think it was THAT!
*Gigan comes out of the skys*
Gigan: ☀http://godzilla.wikia.com/wiki/File:Gigan_2004_Roars
???: This world will be easy to conquer
Jaune: You see that to? i thought i was hallucinating! few.
*Gigan shoots a lazer and tries to hit Ruby but misses*
Ruby: Few close one.
*Another roar comes out of the sea*
*Gigan turns around*
Weis: What was that?
*Godzilla comes out of the ocean*
???: WHAT?!?!
Godzilla: http://godzilla.wikia.com/wiki/File:Godzilla_-_ROAR_HD
Blake: Oh good another one.
???: Gigan, kill that thing!!!
*Gigan shoots a lazer at Godzilla*
*Godzilla blooks with a blue spiral beam*
Ruby: There...Fighting?
Yang: I guess the lizard is on our size.
Weis: *Gasp* t-t-tha's G-G-G-
Ruby: G-G-G?
Weis: Godzilla..........
*Godzilla bites one of Gigan's claws*
Gigan: *stikes back with a claw slash*
Godzilla: *Let's go of one of Gigans claws and tail wips Gigan*
???: Gigan, FINISH HIM!!!!
*Gigan grabs Godzilla with his claw hooks*
*Godzilla blows off Gigan's head*
RWBY team: wow
???: NOOOOOO!!!
*Godzilla returns to the sea*
Yang: Who's this soo called "Godzilla"?
Weis: Well............
Who's Godzilla?[]
Ruby: Hold on! so let me get this straight: Godzilla is a giant monster that have been destroyed the Shnee company over 60 years?
Weiss: Yes........
Blake: Well i found this on the internet it seems that Godzilla is one of the protectors of Earth
Weiss: There's no such thing Godzilla is a-
Blake: Hold on let me finish: he has defended Earth from aliens, mutants and even space robots!
Ruby: So were the heck he came from?
Weiss: Godzilla was a type of prehistoric intermediary reptile related to both land and sea reptiles that slept deep underwater for millions of years feeding on deep sea organisms before being disturbed and enhanced by an American hydrogen bomb test. And all that at 1954!
Yang: O_o now that's a deep story!
Blake: And turns out that the name of that... thing Godzilla fought was Gigan.
Ruby: So?
Blake: It's one of the aliens i was talking about!
??? : This will be more difficult than thought
???: I know!!!
*The ground trembles*
Ruby: Again?
Weiss: Probably Godzilla again!
Yang: huh Weiss that is not Godzilla
Weiss: What else coud it be..... Oh
Weiss: My dad told me about this guy his name is Destoroyah!
Blake: This is one of the mutants i was talking about!
Weiss: i don't get it!
Ruby: What?
Weiss: the military killed him years ago!
Yang: So how do we kill him again?!?!
???: there they are! DESTOROYAH, KILL THEM!!!
Ruby: Let's split up!
Weiss, Blake and Yang: got it!
Each one of the RWBY team ran in a direction but Weiss was quicky surrounded by Destoroyah.
???: KILL HER!!!
Destoroyah: *Prepares Micro-Oxygen beam*
Godzilla: *Saves Weiss*
Weiss: He.....Saved me.....
Ruby: Turns out Godzilla only wants to help!
Destoroyah: *Shoots Micro-Oxygen beam*
Godzilla: *Roars for help*
Ruby: What's him doing?
Weiss: He called for help!
Yang: Who's that?
Blake: That's another of earth defenders, Mothra!
Mothra: *Retreats and faps her wings*
Weiss: what's him-
Blake: Her
Weiss ok, her doing?
Destoroyah: *shoots Micro-Oxygen beam*
RWBY team: Oh, she reflected the beam
Ren: What the heck is going on?
Ruby:Nothing much, just a giant monster battle!
Godzilla: *Gets up and defeats Destoroyah with blue spiral beam*
Ruby: Now that's what i call a tag-team!
???: Damn you Mothra!!!
???: That does it! If you want some thing done right do it by our self!
???: now i just need a plan.
I'm not doing this junk any more!