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Marko Pride, also known as Alloysius Masters or Bengal Khan is a semi-retired infiltrator and volunteer Aura and self-defence instructor for the White Fang.

Marko Pride
Age 63
Alias Alloysius Masters, Bengal Khan
Nickname Master Khan, Old man Khan
Race Caucasian
Species Tiger Faunus
Handedness Righthanded
Complexion pale
Hair grey/black
Eyes hazel
Semblance Finesse
Professional Status
Affiliation White fang, Red Watch
Occupation Antiquarian, volunteer Aura instructor White Fang, Infiltration expert.
Personal Status
Relatives Thallia Pride


Overall Marko is a man of average height and with a slim but still strong physique. Often obscured with subtly tinted glasses or contacts his eyes are a clear hazel, looking almost golden. To make his switching of identities easier Marko has always kept his hair short and his face clean-shaven so he can apply a variety of wigs, fake beards and moustaches for the various identities and disguises he uses. In the infrequent event he isn't in one of his usual persona, such as when as he is with family he'll dress plainly in dark colours, favouring a simple black turtle-neck sweater and grey pants and mostly for the sake of his own sense of style a neat brushy moustache that is mostly grey but still showing a bit of black in it.

When you encounter him in public or in his small antique store in down town Vale Marko will appear as a human in his late sixties, average in frame and overweight with a noticeable belly, sloped shoulders and a grey goatee that used to be black and a mostly bald head, with only short grey hair on the sides and back of his head. he typically wears a tan or red blazer over a buttoned white shirt with a distinct impression that he wants to look more wealthy without showing opulence from the expensive watch and glasses he wears, but sort of failing once you notice his shoes and preference for wearing jeans that aren't always visible from behind the counter.

When he assumes the name of Bengal Khan he appears a completely different man. Standing tall, fit, lean and radiating strength and authority he is almost as far from the antiquarian as you can imagine. Wearing his own personalized version of the White Fang uniform consisting of a black and grey suit of Mistrali design over which he wears a long open sided white robe with blue trim, with the old White Fang logo on the back, showing how he has been a member since its inception. His grey hair is streaked with two stripes still black and he wears a personal White fang mask that hides his eyes with the distinct grim-like features and a tiger motif of red stripes over the bone white painted mask. Only when he is amongst the White Fang does he allow himself to show his tiger claws more openly, most often as one of his somewhat less subtle ways to communicate his displeasure with the current direction non-verbally. He often brushed it off as a nervous tick to other members but he has his suspicions about who would question his loyalty to the White Fang.

When he has to meet face to face with a client for an infiltration job Marko takes on the mantle of Alloysius Masters. As Alloysius he always makes sure to not resemble any of his permanent identities and wears a suit and coat common enough to not draw attention in a crowd but being expensive enough to be the most noticeable thing about him when alone. One consistent mark he has when meeting clients is a slightly faded scar on his hand near his wrist just visible to the observant watcher, a fake he calls his work signature.


Marko has made sure all his different identities have their own personality. Most share what Marko believes to be his true personality traits, like his kind disposition, his ability to work with kids and his shrewd skill in negotiating. In public as Marko Pride the antiquarian he can show a lot of his kinder self. He's amiable, patient and has a love for the classics. In the White Fang as Bengal Khan he acts as a teacher and sometimes surrogate father to the younger members as he helps unlock their potential. Speaking with authority, respect, and working to inspire the youth into making something of themselves and to stand up for what they believe in.

The only people in his life who truly know Marko are his wife and his children along with his only faunus grandchild Thallia, whom he personally trained in preparation of her chosen career to become a huntress. Due to the fact she is his oldest grandchild and the only Faunus he has developed an odd bond with the girl, being both her grandfather and her teacher. Unlike her cousins there is a more professional bond between them, meaning he is more critical of her performance, but also far more proud of her accomplishments so far.


Marko is no fighter. He learned how to use his Aura for self defense and later for infiltration and stealth, and he has almost never had to use a gun in his life, still when it comes down to it he can hold his own thanks to his exceptional control and endurance, although he knows at his current age he really should avoid such action if he can help it.

Semblance: Finesse:

Marko's unique talent took form in his near perfect control over his own body. When he activates his Semblance he becomes aware and gain full control of even the smallest movements of his muscles. Every step, every breath, every move he makes he can do so deliberately and with surgical precision. It is a double edged sword as while he can move with near absolute silence and throw a punch with exactly the amount of force he wants or move just enough to let a bullet pass him by this also taxes his mind with the sheer amount of sensory input he receives. He has to make sure he doesn't forget to breathe in the heat of battle, or keep his heart still for too long, or to push his muscles beyond their limit and tear them to pieces. With time did come experience and while his control is now near absolute it also makes him painfully aware of what he has lost over time.

While the applications in combat are many Marko has gotten the most out of his semblance during his time as an infiltrator. Every disguise has its own posture, its own gait and even body-language, Marko has portrayed overweight businessmen, eager and sly criminals, even a timid young woman and much more. The trick he claims lies in not exactly copying others, but always keeping a bit of himself in each disguise.

Weapon: Although Marko dislikes the use of firearms he has learned it is best to have at least some way to protect himself and has a variety of standard issue pistols to use if needed but he favours the more useful Steel Lily grapplehook bayonet and a customized 9mm submachine gun that has a custom suitcase it can be mounted in and be used in combat without revealing the weapon.


Marko Pride grew up in Mantle amongst the other faunus in one of the worse neighbourhoods of the city literally overshadowed by Atlas. Back then he still was called Azul Zima and while the neighbourhood normally had a sense of community amongst the faunus Azul learned quickly that didn't always extend to faunus with no visible traits. He was bullied often by other kids and only after an elderly veteran rather forcibly took him under his wing to teach him some things about self defence and aura did Azul get a chance to prove his worth.

Azul inevitably ended up involved with the local gang. Being a faunus from the ghettos while passing for human made him quite useful for some of the scams and burglaries they would do down town casing future targets and creating diversions for the others. When the gang leadership became aware of Azul's talent for stealth and mimicry thanks to his newly discovered semblance he was used more effectively as a plant or burglar, all the while never shaking the debts they piled on him and his family to keep him permanently in their service. By the time he was 17 he was already an experienced thief and the only major change in his life had been the occasional change in management.


  • Marko is an avid collector of pre-War books and Great War Era music, trying to collect the rarer pieces that almost didn't survive the conflict.
  • the name Azul is derived from the colour Azure
  • The name Marko is derived from Marcus, which is derived from Mars, the red planet.
  • The name Alloysius alludes to metal alloys and the grey colour of steel.
  • The name Bengal refers to the Bengal tiger specifically and the orange colour