RWBY Fanon Wiki
RWBY Fanon Wiki

Updated on 7/16/2019


RWBY Fanon Wikia is a site dedicated to storytelling within Monty Oum's universe. As such, these Guidelines are put in place by the Roleplay Moderation Team to provide users with a streamlined and effective way for participating in Roleplays and character creation. 

Guidelines are, however, subject to change as more of the workings of the RWBYverse are revealed and explained. In addition, please keep in mind that the Guidelines and the "Accepted Character" category is not an award system. Not being "accepted" does not mean one cannot RP on this site.

The nature of the "Accepted Character" tag is simply to give users a quick filter when choosing other users/characters to role-play with.

If you are unsure about a particular ruling, and how it may pertain to your Character or other Original Content, feel free to ask a Reviewer, Administrator or other Staff members for assistance. Their names can be found in the Community tab. Furthermore, users can join the site's Discord Channel and ask using the #fanon_help_chat channel for more active help.


Rules will be marked with 1 of 4 labels:

    • Compulsory to follow; failure to do so will result in automatic rejection
    • Not required but attention should be given; failure to do so will result in high chance of rejection
    • Not compulsory in any form but should be duly noted
  • TIPS
    • General information from Reviewing Staff, helpful advice


Reviewer reserve the right to be flexible in their judgment when the Guidelines are insufficient in their decision. This degree of freedom requires the use of multiple rules and common sense in order to discern what is and is not acceptable.   

Please note that a reviewer's word is law but not final. Concerns may be brought up with the reviewer provided that the argument is valid*.    

*Valid arguments should be built upon with sound evidence. Not unlike a trial, it is best to have another reviewer to be a representative in the case should a concern be brought up.  

General Rules

  1. Rules are subject to change 
  2. Reviewer Discretion is not a crime against humanity or your worth as a person
  3. The moderation staff reserves the right to retroactively reject a character based upon finding a point in the character overlooked by the previous moderator who judged said character, or if some information was added Post-Acceptation that would lead to rejection.
  4. Pages made for canon characters cannot be made on our wikia site. This includes canon characters from RWBY, as well as other media such as other comics, game and anime series. Alternate Universe versions of canon characters are also not allowed. These pages will be deleted when found. This rule isn’t subject to change.

Challenging a Review:

  • In the event of a retroactive rejection where One Reviewer misses an aspect that would lead to the Character being removed from Pending and a Second Reviewer notices this, Reviewer Two MUST do the following BEFORE passing the new judgement:
    • Inform Reviewer One of the aspects in question, so that an explanation can be reached if there was a reasonable reason for the omission.
    • Either Reviewer One or Reviewer Two can go and edit the mistake. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who does the edit as long a consensus between the two reviewers in question is achieved. 
    • In case of Reviewer Two making the edit, then they are obligated to state that they got permission from original reviewer to do so.
    • If the original reviewer has left the staff, then Reviewer Two may discuss the issue with current staff instead.

Character and Profile Creation Rules


  1. Characters must demonstrate limits in all abilities. (No Limits Fallacy)
  2. Characters that are intending to be Beacon Academy students or students of a similar institution MUST be 17 years of age or older.
    • The lowest accepted age is 16, and only so long as they turn 17 not long after entry
    • One is allowed to make characters that are Signal students, or equivalent, younger than 16 years of age to a reasonable degree
      • i.e. newborns or toddlers cannot be students of combat schools.
  3. It is not mandatory for OCs to have attended a Huntsmen academy like Beacon to qualify as a Huntsman. They may be self-taught or trained by outside sources, as long as they do eventually take the Huntsman licensing exams.
    • However, the amount of training and skills they have must be similar in level to proper Huntsmen, in order to justifiably pass the exams. It will be up to the Reviewer's discretion whether or not an OC is reasonably trained in his background, and if his abilities are strong enough to be on par with regular Huntsmen.
  4. A character's profile requires an exact age up until they are at least 40 years of age, past which age bears little impact upon the grading, although a range (e.g., 'fifties, early seventies, etc) would still be required.
  5. A basic description of the character's looks; including hair/eye color and body type is required along with a basic description of their outfit regardless of art
  6. Even if an OC’s backstory is supposed to be vague and mysterious, a secret or unknown to other OCs and themselves, a full backstory section is required to be written in the OC’s page.
  7. If you wish to make reference to these events:
    • The White Fang went corrupt 6 years prior to the start of the series
    • The Great War occurred 81 years prior to the start of the series
    • Only exceptions are the academy headmasters and professors, and only in terms of a professional basis
      • i.e. Canonical characters cannot be heavily involved in an Original Character's personal plot to an unreasonable degree outside of their canonical responsibilities.
    • Knowing of Salem’s faction, the Relics or the Maidens in any context (excluding the fairy tale about the Maidens); Lionheart’s betrayal or the presence of Team RWBY and JNPR in the Battle of Haven will be considered canon interaction and knowledge of explicitly confidential canon information, this is not allowed.
    • OCs can’t know the truth about the Attack on Haven, due to a cover story being enforced by Ozpin. The given story is that the White Fang tried to attack Haven but failed. They were stopped by the Mistral police, Faunus Militia and several Huntsmen, Lionheart died in the attack and will be remembered as a hero.


  1. It is requested that you make reference to the Battle of Beacon or the Fall of Beacon in your character's backstory in order to stay afloat with the current timeline, seeing as Beacon is no longer a school
  2. THAT BEING SAID, it is not entirely REQUIRED at this time, and you may still write your character as they are in the time before the Battle Of Beacon.

Character Naming



  1. Characters in RWBY must be:
    • A color
    • Something that sounds like a color
    • Something that means a color
    • Something that makes you think of a color
  2. If that character is on a team, then the first character of their name* must fit in a 4 letter acronym that spells a team name that must also be:
    • A color
    • Something that sounds like a color
    • Something that means a color
    • Something that makes you think of a color
    • If the character is the leader of the team, they must be the first letter of the team acronym[source]
  3. Colour reference must be included in a Trivia section
    • The character's FIRST name MUST be something color related.
    • Circumventing the rule by using nicknames or middle names is not allowed. eg. Bob Green, or Greg "Red" Steve names/variations.
    • Names that are colourless either like "Clear" or "Glass" or "Opaque" are unacceptable


The Color Naming Rules do state that more than the name, but the character themselves should be a color, or take after one. As such, their physical and mental characteristics are designed to reflect appropriately.

That being said, it is not mandatory to have the colored name be included in the physical appearance of the character.


Names are creative and unique, break the mould! Use other languages, find something that fits, then spin it a few times to make it your own! Look at the Canon for examples, some of the canon characters names come from obscure origins.


  • Characters which fall under the Grandfather Clause are exempt from this. Characters created before January 15th, 2014 are considered under Grandfather Clause.

As of update 6 on 7/16/2019, the grandfather clause has been repealed, meaning all characters under it must now have a valid color relation as per the Color Naming Rule. This will be made effective on a case by case basis whenever any of the OCs in question may be put back in the pending category or otherwise be noticed by a reviewer. In case the OC already is CNR compliant and has the information included in the Trivia section the grandfather clause category will simply be removed from it by any reviewer that may come across the character’s page.



  • Each OC has 4 “weapon points”, and having the following features or abilities in their arsenal requires points be deducted. This is only an upper limit, you are free to use less than 4 points. Additional gear not covered in this section is allowed but must be kept within reason and falls entirely within reviewer discretion. 
  • Flight, regardless of how it is achieved. Be it via weapon, semblance, Dust casting, utility device etc. (-1 point)
  • Dust casting. Any Dust techniques or manipulation done without using a weapon or special tool counts as Dust casting, this includes using Dust directly from any kind of container or dispenser mechanism (ie vials, crystals, woven in cloth, etc...) and also any form of bodily Dust infusion. Generally speaking, simple things done using weapons are not counted, however complex techniques may be counted as casting. Whether or not an OC’s Dust usage warrants a point deduction is up to Reviewer discretion, but combat Dust use done without a weapon always counts. Rule of thumb is that if it’s the weapon/tool doing it it doesn’t count, otherwise it does. (-1 point)
  • Transforming weapons. Weapons require one point per form (1 point = single form weapon), However, storage or non-combat forms do not count towards this. Points may be freely used in up to 2 weapons. OCs may have one weapon with 4 forms, one weapon with 3 forms and another with 1 form, two weapons with 2 forms, etc. (-1 point per form)
  • Dual and paired weapons, including cases where they combine or separate when transforming, count as a single weapon with or without multiple forms. Examples of this in canon would be Blake's Gambol Shroud, Yang's Ember Celica, Adam's Wilt & Blush and Emerald's gun-sickles
  • Stackable weapon sets (ie cards, set of throwing knives, drones etc) take up one weapon point. The number of weapons in each set and the number of sets that can be allowed vary depending on the complexity and power of the weapon. For example, simple or weak weapons like cards and knives can be carried in larger amounts, while sophisticated weapons like combat drones and bombs must be fewer in number. How many weapons is a reasonable number is up to Reviewer discretion. This includes weapons that have a set of multiples as one or more of their transformations (ie a collection of swords that turn into blasters).

Exceptions to the 4 point limit may be allowed under Reviewer discretion. So long as the extra features do not drastically affect the OCs overall abilities, and/or their overall abilities are still fairly balanced.

  • Combat companions such as pets and robots are considered extras and thus entirely under reviewer discretion. An OC may be rejected if they are considered overpowered as a result of having them. In this case in particular an OC may be balanced by using less points or otherwise reducing their own combat capabilities while keeping the companion

Note on chemical weapons:

  • Lethal gas weapons and those that deal severe long term damage and health conditions such as permanent organ damage and permanent breathing difficulties are not allowed, as they are capable of bypassing aura and dealing damage when inhaled or ingested. 
  • Only gases with non-lethal effects (sleeping gas, hallucinogens, stuff that makes you temporarily sick etc), and those which are curable or only inflicts temporary damage are allowed. Lethal or long term damage gases and fluids may be allowed under Reviewer’s discretion if they can be reasonably avoided and/or countered by OCs, but are still heavily discouraged. 
  • Aura will protect against contact damage from such substances. This does drain aura gradually as long as a person remains in contact with the gas or fluid. Once their aura breaks, they will suffer the damage normally caused by it.


  • Weapons cannot copy a Canonical Characters weapon too closely, this is left at the Reviewers discretion on what they deem as too close.
  • A Faunus' natural weapons (e.g. claws, stingers, etc) do not count towards the weapon limit.
  • While all Dust is finite and should be treated as such (see below in the Dust section), including how many bullets a gun holds or how long a weapon (or equipment) powered by Dust can be used for, while VERY much encouraged, is not required, as it will likely not be a key factor in RP unless the plot demands it.
    • This excludes weapons that are multiples of a single thing (Grenades, Knives, etc) or if the ammo is large and very powerful (missiles, grenades, high power laser charges) and would be OP without the set limit.
Weapon Chart

This chart is a (hopefully) helpful visual guide for this system. Exceptions to these limits may be allowed under Reviewer Discretion, but only so long as the end result is not outlandishly ridiculous or overpowered. Storage and pure utility/non-combat forms do not count towards the weapon limit, and gliding utility generally doesn't count towards full-blown Flight, though that is up to Reviewer Discretion.



  • This is a list of canon Dust types one can work with, though please take it with a grain of salt.
  • Dust in clothing and Dust Infusion count towards the above detailed weapon limits


  1. Infusing Dust into your character is acceptable
    • Dust Infusion includes:
      • Dust Tattoos
      • Dust Injections 
      • Anything in which Dust is, under one's skin, as part of the body, or ingestion 
    • Dust Infusions/Injections/Ingestion have a detrimental effect on the body; a known effect is pain
      • Usage of Dust Infusions/Injections on any Original Character must include some kind of detrimental consequence in its description
        • e.g. Hazel's efficient use of Dust Injection is only possible because of his Semblance, which ignores pain
        • Long term, chronic conditions, that arise from regular use of Dust Infusions, are known to occur and should be included as a prominent character trait
  2. Any fan-made Dust elements must be explained by what primary types it is made from
    • Any fan-made Dust elements caused by a mix of types is subject to be grounds for Rejection if the Reviewer determines they are too powerful or outlandish.
  3. Dust is finite and will be consumed as it is used. Please take this into consideration.
  4. Due to its particular nature Hardlight Dust is subject to rules specific to it:

Hardlight dust performs slightly worse that regular physical weapons and armor, in terms of being able to cut and damage targets, as well as blocking attacks. This is due to lack of effective mass and being frailer than their material equivalents. They also exert purely physical force, and do not burn, electrify or affect objects they come in contact with in any other way.

Using Hardlight Dust projected melee weapons is allowed, but each type of weapon projected will count as one transformation form in the weapon transformation limits rule, meaning OCs may only have a maximum of 4 types of hardlight melee weapons. Casting spells or projectiles using Hardlight Dust is not subject to this limit, but may still be limited under reviewer discretion.

The strength of barriers/shields and versatility of things made with Hardlight Dust goes like this:

Heavy machinery > man portable devices > casting (through woven Dust, crystals and vials in tools or weapons and such. No hardlight bodily infusion)

For balance reasons, some Hardlight constructs can only be done with specialized devices, such as shield generators. These are marked below with **.

What Hardlight Dust can create:

  • Various melee weapons 
  • Tools with no moving parts or simple moving parts (ie scissors)
  • Temporary parts for machines and buildings (ie, spare tires for a car, pillars to hold up a collapsing house)
  • Ammunition and projectiles, including bullets, shurikens, darts etc (do note any ammo fired will be less effective than material projectiles due to lack of effective mass)
  • Temporary energy shields and barriers (Directional only, more of a single plate instead of a force field type, though the “plate” may be slightly curved, lasts only for a couple seconds and large enough to protect one person’s body, may be larger if it uses a physical object as scaffolding)
  • Energy blades (Similar to aura blades, can be launched as a projectile and slice targets)
  • Energy beams (purely kinetic, they push and crush stuff, if the beam is narrow and/or forceful enough it may cut things)
  • Energy balls (Act like a flashbang grenade. Hits a target like a solid ball, then explodes into light. has weak concussive blast wave)
  • **Ropes or string (Not indestructible, should be possible to snap or cut like regular rope. Also includes strings for weapons that require them like bows and whips)
  • **Firearms and machines with complex mechanisms or intricately detailed structures (still limited, you can make a gun, but you can’t make a car)
  • **Persistent shields and barriers (Can last for long periods, and cover a larger area as long as fed by a constant Dust supply, may curve more but is still limited to 180 degrees maximum. Still not as effective as material  shields and barriers)
  • **Dust combos. (Adding the effects of other kinds of Dust to things made with Hardlight Dust and vice-versa)

What Hardlight Dust cannot create:

  • Gas or liquid based items or substances
  • Overly complex machines or tools
  • Vehicles
  • Clothes and armour (as in, made of hardlight)
  • Explosions and explosive substances
  • Human body parts or seal wounds
  • Sentient beings
  • Remote controlled replicas of moving beings (ie creating robot or animal minions)


  • Objects created using Hardlight Dust can imitate the shape of an item, but cannot replicate its physical properties, such as elasticity, hardness, weight, heat and electrical conductivity, and are always lighter and frailer than the material equivalent. They also cannot imitate the color or appearance of objects perfectly, appearing as simple, solid colored, translucent holograms instead of perfect replicas.
  • Items not listed above may be attempted and submitted for review. Reviewers will consider whether or not the items created are plausible uses of Hardlight Dust before delivering an Accepted or Rejected verdict for the OC.
  • It must be taken into account that, as per official information shown in the show and Amity Arena, Hardlight Dust is the rarest type of Dust and Atlas seems to hold most if not all reserves of it. This means any OC using it must justifiably have the means to acquire it, be that through money, contacts or otherwise.


Semblances are NOT Mandatory. If you do not wish to have a Semblance or cannot think of one for now, you may skip this category. However, when your character does inherit one, he or she must be subjected to pending and be re-accepted before being able to participate in RP once again.


  • Semblances may not be too similar to those of canonical characters, though if it's similar but used differently enough, it may pass. This is left up to reviewer discretion.
  • Semblances must have some sort of limiter such as but not limited to:
    • Time constraint
    • Energy constraint
    • Fatigue
  • Passive Semblances must be proportionally subtle


  1. Selective Semblances:
    • Semblances that utilize area of effect mechanics that are selective in nature.
      • Sound waves don't choose who they affect, light beams affect everyone, AoE semblances affect everyone within the range, people cannot pick and choose what to and what not to affect.
  2. Incorporeal substances becoming corporeal and vice-versa
    • Shadows, sound, gravity, etc. cannot become solid, conversely, one cannot make their body incorporeal
      • Ruby's Semblance is not evidence of this
  3. Transformation semblances
    • Turning your body into an animal, or breaking down your body into other substances like air.
      • Qrow and Raven Branwen is not a credible argument as it is Magic, not a Semblance
  4. Auto-Hit/Auto-Dodge
    • Automatic dodging or an attack or Automatic/Guaranteed strike on an opponent.
  5. Time Manipulation
    • The ability to turn back or forward time, or do anything time based
      • Does not include time perception (Time Perception of oneself is acceptable)
  6. Semblance Mimicry
    • Copying someone’s Semblance
  7. Aura _______
    • Enhancement
      • Will be considered for "Awaiting Canon Information" category instead of rejection as the additional effects of enhancing Aura, other than enhanced Aura protection and Aura healing, is unclear
        • (As is described in RWBY Rewind #13 & #14)
    • Regeneration
    • Manipulation
    • Bypassing
      • Adam Taurus is not a credible argument
  8. Reality warping
    • Directly altering reality itself is instantly tractable.
  9. Force Weakness
  10. Semblances pertaining to Grimm, whether it be transforming, communication, etc.


  1. Chain semblances
    • Semblances which create chains of multiple kinds are up to reviewer discretion.
      • Due to the connotations of what these can do, it is recommended you be extremely specific as to the properties and limits of these tethers
  2. Mind Trick/Distortion
    • With Emerald in mind, these Semblances will be under heavy reviewer discretion when being reviewed
    • The workings of such a Semblance must be carefully crafted to be logical and not overtly powerful
  3. Healing Semblances
    • Healing others can be acceptable if developed correctly
  4. Summoning
    • Summoning semblances are  under heavy reviewer discretion, and should be carefully balanced, also summons cannot be sapient nor truly sentient


  • Note that while these semblances are given as examples, any Semblances outside of these cases are subject to heavy reviewer discretion as to whether or not they are acceptable
  • Hereditary semblances are supposedly very rare


  • Semblances should fit the character in some way, be it in their personality, fighting style, etc. Though, even if a Semblance isn't a perfect fit for what the character wants to do, they can easily find a way to creatively use it.
    • Example: Magnetism Semblance and using it to retrieve or better aim thrown weapons/shields
  • Semblances are said to be the physical manifestations of one's Aura. It is advised to keep this in mind.



  1. Aura does not possess unique traits to the individual
  2. Traits Aura DO provide are:
    1. Protection from harm via acting as a barrier
    2. Using your weapon as a conduit of Aura
    3. Slight regeneration of injuries
    4. Minor danger sense
  3. Aura acts as the first line of defense
    • Aura cannot be bypassed.
      • Adam Taurus is not a credible argument/unique case for now as it is assumed that the Aura was simply overpowered
  4. Aura does not work as ammunition for things such as Guns.
    • However, Aura based ranged attacks are possible


  1. Lacking in any of the skills above due to lack of training or other circumstances, (example Jaune being untrained in the usage of his Aura) is acceptable under discretion
  2. Attacks made on vital points, as long as their intended target has Aura remaining, would prevent them from causing any more harm than an attack would to any other area in a serious fight.



  1. Faunus only have ONE physical feature like the animal they represent (Ears, Tails, Horns, Claws etc.)
  2. Faunus only posses Night Vision as an additional trait
    • No other senses of theirs (Hearing, Smell, etc) are augmented unless provided by the one physical feature
      • e.g. Sun Wukong's prehensile tail
  3. Characters must be either Faunus or Human
    • No half-Faunus exist; if a Faunus and a Human breed, it's either Faunus or Human.
      • Faunus + Human = Faunus or human, Faunus child will be the same type as the parent Faunus
      • Two Faunus of the same type = Child is the same type of Faunus
      • Two Faunus of different types = The child can be any kind of Faunus present in the ancestral line


  1. Traits can be hidden but must be mentioned as part of appearance
    • e.g. Tukson's claws
  2. Faunus are recommended to display behavior akin to that of their animal base, such as Blake's love of tuna
  3. All animals are acceptable as Faunus bases
    • Non-Mammalian Faunus are confirmed to exist but in lesser quantities
  4. Winged Faunus are permitted limited gliding and/or fall control within reason, but cannot be capable of unassisted flight. What exact capabilities are acceptable is under reviewer discretion


  1. Certain animals can be trained to fight alongside OCs or on their own. They will be treated more as companions, not weapons, and therefore do not count to the weapon limit rules of OCs, they are however counted as extras as mentioned in the Weapons & Arsenal section. (please keep the number of pets an OC brings into battle reasonable. Don’t have a guy lead a pack of 50 pit bulls everywhere and sic them on his enemies.)
  2. Animals can only wield weapons if they can justifiably be trained to use them or if they are simply enhancing their natural ones, they can also wear clothing and armor compatible with their anatomy.
  3. Animals can have their auras unlocked and, depending on their intelligence, be capable of using both it and their semblance. However this must be kept within reason and is under heavy Reviewer discretion.
  4. Please keep the type of animal an OC fights with plausible, based on its intelligence and ability to be trained. (ie, hunting dogs, riding a horse or training a hawk to scout ahead is fine, but no ninja turtles or tactical assault snail). If a pet is trained to fight, it must be listed under the equipment section of an OC’s page for review, and a brief explanation of its abilities be provided. Non-combat trained pets do not have to be listed on an OC’s page.



  1. AIs can be made, and may exist in body with a humanoid appearance, but are subjected to the following restrictions and rules on their intelligence and behavior. Penny is not a valid comparison, as she is stated to be an exception to the standards of RWBY AI, not the norm, as well as being the only synthetic being capable of generating an aura (and therefore having a soul). Basically, if you make an AI, they should be more like the Atlesian Knights or Separatist Battle Droids, instead of something like Penny or GLaDOS
    • Self-awareness: AI can be self-aware, in the sense that can have knowledge of their own existence and by extension their functions, they may also know they are different from humans and recognize what makes them different from them. This however should not lead to philosophical questions, introspective thinking or confusion of identity. Your automated turrets on the wall are not going to suddenly ask each other “What are we? What does our existence mean?”
    • Personalities and sentience: AI cannot have real personalities, emotions, dreams or desires of their own. They can however, have simulated personalities, being programmed to act in a way that simulates feelings and emotions. For example a maidbot may act “happy” or “satisfied” when finished cleaning, and act “angry” at people dirtying the floor, but these are merely results of programmed instructions telling them to act in certain ways, not genuine feelings.

      As they do not have desires or ambitions aside from what they are programmed or told to do, AI cannot have any ulterior motives for fulfilling their functions, or real feelings of satisfaction, disappointment or pride at their jobs, and only strive to do them to the best of their ability.

      Ultimately whatever simulated personality they may have would be shallow and tailored to their functions and/or the user’s or maker’s wishes. Also while they can be very convincing it should be possible to tell them apart from humans by their behavior alone, even if it could take a long time and some people may fail at it.
    • Learning and problem solving: AI can learn new skills and information, either through new data being programmed or taught to them, or interacting with the environment and learning from experience. Their problem solving abilities are also limited to analyzing data, statistics and probabilities of certain actions and effects.

      They cannot possess creativity or imagination of their own, or formulate ideas and theories that were not directly given or taught to them.

      For example, an AI can learn that fire is effective for killing beowolves if it is given that information, sees someone killing a beowolf using fire, or has killed a beowolf using fire itself before. It cannot learn by, for example, sitting down one day and thinking it may be a good idea to try fire on beowolves without any data suggesting they should. Basically, AI can be good at evaluating and applying what data it has access to, but cannot create new ideas themselves.
  2. Penny is a special case as she is a robot who pssesses a soul.
    • Known information reveals that so far she is the only one of her kind, thus, any Robot/AI that follows Penny's formular will be rejected under the Character Similarity Clause, as well as conflicting with known Canon.
  3. Concerning Cyborgs (Humans/Humanoids with robotic/cybernetic replacements for limbs):
    • Two replacement limbs maximum
    • If the limb is weaponized in any way, they count towards the Weapon Limit clause
    • Cybernetic Organ replacement of any sort are possible (Heart, Lungs, Eyes, etc.), but are subject to reviewer discretion.
      • Additionally, a "pair" of organs (two eyes, two lungs, etc) will count as a single replacement, so you can replace a pair of lungs and an additional limb.

Fairy Tales


  1. Fan made fairy tales are not canon and cannot be used to power up characters.
  2. Characters can know the fairy tale of the Four Maidens, but cannot know of the existence of the Maidens.
  3. Characters do not know the legend of the silver-eyed warriors, and no character can be silver eyed.
    • Current characters with silver eyes are to be changed to dark grey or any other colour preferred by the creator of the character as long as it isn't silver.


  • Using a legend/fairy tale that is not canon for a Role Play poses no problem as long as it isn't the Maidens/Silver-Eyes.



  • OCs are not allowed to have magic like the humans from the ancient times, nor have knowledge about their existence of magic of the ancinet  era. (The era in question, in which Oz and Salem's backstory happened before the Gods Thanos snapped the humans of that time.)
  • Only Oz, Salem, and the Maidens have been shown to be capable of Magic, and only the main cast know about the existence of the Ancient Era.
  • Ruins and artifacts of those times may be found, such as the Emerald Forest temple, but nobody can know what they were for and who built them.
  • No making dieties or demigods either.

Creatures of Grimm

Fan-made Creatures of Grimm are not required to go through the reviewing process, but the rules below outline the known traits at the time which should be followed when designing one.


  1. All fan-made Grimm must resemble some sort of animal or mythical creature in terms of appearance. Humanoid Grimm are allowed, but must be monsterous.
    • Creep can be considered a reptilian-like Grimm
  2. Grimm cannot be capable of using the powers of Auras or Semblances
  3. Grimm color pallet consists primarily of black with bone-white "armor"
    • Every creature appears to have a bone-like mask with or without red markings
    • Eye color is consistently an unnatural amber hue
  4. Currently no possession/infection Grimm due to lack of information
    • Possession, in this case, would refer to Grimm that are able to infect or possess living creatures and take control
    • Object possession is possible due to the existence of the Geist/Arma Gigas/Petra Gigas
  5. Grimm, in particular older grimm, are allowed a certain degree of intelligence. to the point of being able to scavenge, craft or steal rudimentary weapons or tools and learn to use them, strategize and communicate with each other. However, they cannot be smart enough to operate or build advanced weapons, tools or vehicles.
    • They can have simple, animalistic thoughts, preferences, behavior or instincts, such as preferring to ambush their prey instead of facing them head on, live and hunt in certain climates and habitats, or choose when to fight and run when they think it is suitable. Grimm cannot have full personalities or emotions of their own, and cannot communicate with humans or other living things.
    • While some species may be smarter than others, always keep in mind that, as per the show and the World of Remnant mini-series, older = smarter as far as Grimm are concerned.


  1. Grimm size and other abilities not explicitly listed above subject to moderation if the Reviewing staff feels they're stretching boundaries of plausibility or if the Grimm in question is too overpowered
    • However, as previously stated, Fan-made creatures of Grimm do not go through the review process and will not be judged under these rules unless brought to our attention

Grimm Body Parts

Grimm body parts, such as Cinder Fall's Grimm-arm, are not acceptable due to the following reasons:

  1. Grimm body parts remain an elusive subject in regards to available canonical information
  2. Grimm body parts appear to be an exclusive feature of the Salem faction
    • Which conflicts with the Canon/Fanon interaction rule

Fan-Made Locations


  1. Fan-Made Locations cannot be based on being a lost or forgotten Fifth Kingdom or continents that have been lost or forgotten from maps
  2. Grimmland is still uninhabitable
  3. Floating buildings or cities are not allowed, at least until we learn more about them from Volume 7. For now, Atlas is the only floating city that exists.


  • Fan-Made Locations should, barring very well written reasoning, have some form or way to defend themselves from Grimm attacks.
    • These can be as varied as your imagination allows, but they must be plausible and grounded
  • Fan-made locations can succumb to Grimm and fall

Fan-Made Factions/Organizations


  1. Factions may not be directly involved with canonical plot elements or organizations in major ways
    • e.g. Influencing Beacon Academy's decisions, how the Deathstalker got into the cave in the Emerald Forest, being equal to the Schnee Dust Company, having influence in Roman/Cinders' crime ring, etc.
  2. OC profiles that mention a fan-made faction must include a brief description of the faction they belong to
    • This is for the sake of efficiency during the reviewing process, i.e. don't mention a faction/organization and leave a a chain of hyperlinks for the reviewers to sift through
      • Reviewers reserve the right to retroactively reject said OC for failing the above rule
  3. Factions cannot take a major part in the Battle of Beacon of Volume 3 
  4. Companies can have ties with the Schnee Dust Company economically, but cannot be directly affiliated 
  5. Huntsmen Academy and Combat School (i.e Signal, Sanctum, etc) teachers are allowed as Original Characters, but unless the school is entirely fan-made, no position above Teacher/Professor will be accepted. However one cannot create Huntsmen Academies as Beacon, Haven, Atlas and Shade are confirmed to be the only ones
  6. Transfer Students from Fan-Made/Canon schools outside of the four Huntsmen Academies are also allowed


  1. Factions/Organizations are to be created with subtlety in mind
  2. Any faction with an military force rivaling that of a Kingdom's worth of Huntsmen is subject to rejection
  3. A maximum of 2000 effective members, logistics included, is allowed for a factions; e.g. private military companies, security forces, armed religious factions, underground/criminal factions, secret societies, etc
  4. A faction or organization's armaments, equipment, vehicles and other capabilities must be kept within reason and are subject to heavy viewer discretion
    • Giant robots are allowed, but are generally restricted only for groups affiliated with Atlas military. Other groups may have them by buying them illegally or custom built, but only very large factions may have them, and each faction may only own 1 or 2.

Miscellaneous Non-Review Oriented Rules

  1. ALL Decisions that require an Administrative Vote must be discussed with ALL Administrative staff and the Owner, even if Majority would already be reached before this has been accomplished.
    • The exception to this is if an administrator takes longer than one week since the proposal was first made, in which case the others make the currently voted ruling.
  2. ALL Decisions the Owner wishes to pass that would require a Vote by Administration must be brought up with ALL the Administrators at the VERY least.
  3. No person should be promoted to ANY Staff member position without Majority Support from Admins/Crats
  4. CMs, Reviewers and Admins MUST only be removed with majority support from the Admins/Crats.
  5. No Crat (Bureaucrat) can be instated without unanimous agreement from the Administrators
  6. No Admin/Crat has the power to veto something already passed via majority.
  7. With the rise of many new fansites dedicated to RWBY OCs, I want to make it very clear. While we cannot be responsible for what people do on these other fansites, the RWBY Fanon is not responsible nor does it condone actions of vandalism and harassment that takes place off-site. We do not allow it here, and we wish that people do not bring arguments and problems off-site onto it, and vice versa. If there's a problem, please address one of the many RWBY Fanon Administrators.