There is two sides to every coin, to every blade and to every story. With so much focus being placed on the White Fang, the Huntsmen and Huntresses have forgotten about the human threat. When humans become scared they panic and when they panic, they turn to those who present a Forsaken Hope. The Iron Will are a militant group dedicated to breaking the will of the Faunus and ensuring mans rule alone in the four kingdoms.
Starting at Beacon is tough enough, but working up from the bottom is harder. Following the lives of Team Absolved, we find each one is looking for their own form of Absolution. The leader who has only ever worked alone, the engineer not wanting to be victimized again, the pirate with everything to prove and a girl who prides herself on nothing but perfection. Pushed together, these lot have to form an unlikely alliance too survive, the wilderness which is the halls of Beacon.
When the team crosses the Iron Will unexpectantly, they are torn into a fight which faces them on every possible front. Targeted in Beacon and outside, physically and emotionally, the team is stretched to breaking point. But its up to them to deal with this Forsaken Hope for humanity.
1) Aras Greyford - Team ABVD
2) Bron Doru - Team ABVD
3) Viola Tyndareus - Team ABVD
4) Dalia Kulde - Team ABVD
5) Lily Tudor - Team LUNR
6) Ubenia Rodzaj-Secre - Team LUNR
7) Nile Matador - Team LUNR
8) Rim Siberia - Team LUNR
1) ????
2) ????
3) ????
4) ????
5) ????
Supporting Roles
1) Looking out for the Little Guy - Aras Greyford Trailer
2) Still Standing - Bron Doru Trailer
3) The Buccaness - Viola Tyndareus Trailer
4) ????