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Hello there, anyone wanna RP?
I only do 1x1, I am all Literates, and I RP as OCs.
Just Updated
It was early sunrise in the valley as Osiris relaxed on the train, eyes still looking back and forth behing her shades as she looked for any signs of unwanted company. As a former member of Master's realm she had no shortage of enemies. Especially when she was here last to destroy James Everest's giant drill.
She was here acting as extra protection on Kurai and Wolfe's request. she didn't really get the situation but It sounded like a creepy sci fi flick involving clones and restoring someone's fertility. But somehow, this was real and she was acting without approval from Flagg. She just hoped that her escort was there waiting at the station. After all, Bing left alone in a town she only visited once was one of the things that annoyed her.
(Order is as above)
Morning had broken as the day had arrived, Wolfe and Ginger were finally getting married. Wolfe was sitting in the lab he was getting an earful from the other end
"Crimson Silverwood I swear to God I'm going to kick your ass when I get there," a rather furious fox said down the other line, "you're lucky I have a free calendar to get this sorted..." She said as she hung up. Vix was happy yet also mad at her brothers shenanigans. She walked into her daughter's room, "Iona, can you help me pack Lylas travel bag, your uncles getting married and that means you're coming to, tell your teammates to come too," she said as she then opened the curtains on her.
“Tsk tsk. You’ve amassed quite a plethora of crimes, haven’t you, Diaboli?”
The huntress Nozomi flipped through the pages in the manila folder in her hands, noting with grim attentiveness the cruel acts chronicled in the lurid photographs and detailed police reports within. Her metal-tipped boots echoed on the hardwood floor of the Mistral Police Precinct as she narrowly dodged the uniformed cops in her way, but she barely paid any attention to them as she opened the door to her dimly lit office. Murder, torture, arson, grand theft, the list went on and on. It seemed no crime was too low for the fugitive desperado.
“You’re a sick man indeed. Fortunately for Mistral, I’ve finally been granted full authority to pursue your case.”
Nozomi closed the folder and tossed it onto the side table as the door slammed shut behind her. The sole desk lamp in the room had been turned on and directed towards the far wall, where a dozen freshly printed photographs were affixed to the pinboard directly in the light’s glow. Nozomi’s tongue absentmindedly danced over a jaguar fang as her attention flickered from one pinned CCTV screenshot to the next. Outside the huntress’s office, the bustle of the Mistral police precinct echoed, but she ignored the noise, single mindedly absorbed by the grainy images laid out in front of her. In the dim lighting, her black trenchcoat-clad frame made for a striking, if ominous silhouette.
“What do you think, Lustra?” Nozomi asked, casting an askew glance at where her assistant sat with her legs pulled up to her chest.
The young woman brooding in the corner was also a huntress, but where Nozomi favored an all-black ensemble that accentuated her cool professionalism, Lustra’s getup seemed designed to do the opposite. The assistant’s wide amber eyes gleamed with an intensity similar to that of a wild animal’s, and her white military blazer outfit was only a thin veneer draped over her impulsive, aggressive nature. At the moment, Lustra was subdued, but she made no attempt to conceal the disdain written across her face for the subject depicted in the pinned photographs.
“Well, the guy sure looks a lot like Diaboli. Not exactly the same, though. A relative, maybe?”
“I agree. He certainly has the white hair, the eyes, and the facial structure to match. It’s too good of a lead for us to not investigate.”
Nozomi’s gloved hand came up to rub her chin thoughtfully. Her thumb traced the thin scar on her jaw as she scrutinized the images. There was no shortage of strange-looking individuals in the capital city, but she noted just how striking the man in the photographs was in comparison to the local rabble. This was clearly someone of some importance. Though for what, Nozomi had no idea of knowing yet.
“This man was spotted frequenting several bars located in the lower districts of Mistral. My contacts reported that he came in asking for the owner of each establishment, and left soon after procuring the meetings he sought. Judging by the repeated visits sighted in the past week, he has yet to acquire the information he seeks. It won’t be difficult to narrow down where he goes next, and my contacts have already drawn up a map of his territory. Our man isn’t concealing his tracks.”
“So we’ll be hunting him down, then?” Lustra interrupted. She was deftly toying with a long, thin throwing razor between her fingers.
“Not so fast,” Nozomi said, holding up a hand. “We have no idea of where he came from, or who he might be tied to. I’m going to let him continue his hustle for a while longer. Whatever it is he seeks, he’ll create a trail directly to it. That is when we’ll swoop in and see what really lies at his endgame.”
Despite her best efforts to remain passive, Nozomi could feel her heartbeat quickening at the thought of the impending operation. It had been many weeks since she had last conducted a bust - as a freelancer, the cops had been busy wrangling her into other duties so that they could take the credit for the sweeping post-auction arrests - but at last they had no choice but to permit her to chase down the last few auction criminals they hadn’t been able to find on their own. It was high time, Nozomi thought. If there was one thing that had driven her away from joining the police force in a formal capacity, it was their bureaucracy, the sheer amount of red tape needed to surpass just to get a job done.
“Is your blood pounding, Lustra?” Nozomi asked amusedly. “This could be it - your chance to get revenge on Dust’s killer.”
At the sound of the name, Lustra’s eyes visibly hardened, and her jaw muscles tightened. Despite the many months that had passed since then, she remembered the final minutes of the night clearly. She could see it in her mind’s eye - how she had watched helplessly as the dusty, injured huntsman disappeared into the woods, led to his grave by the ashen-haired mobster. Dust’s death had been avoidable; Diaboli didn’t need to bring the poor man to an abandoned village, and gun him down as one final casualty of the auction. He could have just left. But he had done it anyway. He’d wanted to spill some more blood, snuff out another soul, leave another family broken. For such callous cruelty, Lustra knew there was no more deserving response than a swift death. But that wasn’t how it worked, was it?
“I… I want him to pay. But I’ll try to hold back.”
“There we go, that’s the right mindset to have,” Nozomi chuckled. “We’ll need to let the law dispense the real justice. Still, I don’t think they’ll begrudge us a few good hits in if it kills his chances of escaping.”
Nozomi turned away from the photographs, and clicked the lamp off, throwing the office into near pitch darkness.
“It won’t be long now. Karma comes for everyone, whether they’re ready or not.”
Three weeks had passed since the night for the convention. Wolfe was up at the crack of dawn, fine tuning the RV for the trip, Aster was curled up in her bed hugging onto her stuffed toys as she slept soundly. The maids were all working together to keep the family safe.
Wolfe was sipping a cup of tea as he was nearing exhaustion, he hoped to have finished by today but he was still at least two days away from finishing.
Zanipher Hei’An, the Ninth Dragon of Vale, leaned over the balcony railing, peering through the dense fog at the foreign city spread far below. The overcast weather seemed to reflect her turbulent mood as she rested her elbows heavily on the parapets. The scenery was beautiful, in a way. She imagined she would appreciate it more if there wasn’t a much more pressing matter weighing on her mind. As it was, Mistral’s grey clouds were nothing more than a miasma for her reflections to get lost in, as she pondered the next step in her grand endeavor of seizing control of her corrupted family from the outside.
A few days ago…
The stolen police car zipped through the empty city streets, vacant but for the rare itinerant shuffling through garbage bins, the occasional drunkards passed out under the street lamps. The siren was off and the vehicle’s lights dead, and if there had been anyone around to see it, they would have instantly known that something was off. But the only onlookers to the escaping vehicle were far too preoccupied with their own matters to raise an alarm, far too apathetic to the plight of the rotten city in the crack of dawn to make a stir over yet another rogue cop car.
The eyes of the young woman behind the wheel gleamed a brilliant crimson each time the automobile crossed underneath the glow of a street light. She was clad in the fitted uniform of a police officer, with her dark hair tied back into a tight ponytail underneath the peaked cap, and it was true that the passenger behind the mesh of the back seat was a captured convict. But any observer would have instantly recognized the uncanny family resemblance between the girl in the back seat and the woman on the driver’s side, and known that this was no law enforcement bust.
“You doing okay back there?” the driver called, sparing a second’s glance in the rearview mirror at her scarred passenger.
“What’s going on, Zan? Why are you alone? And honestly, what took you so damn long?”
The last sentence was punctuated with clear spite. Alyxia was leaned forward in her seat, bracing herself against the grating as the low vehicle jolted to and fro over the cracked concrete. She was still wearing her baggy orange jumpsuit, and though her face spelled unmistakable relief at finally having been rescued from jail, the resentment in her voice betrayed her displeasure at being left to rot in a Mistralian cell for months after getting bagged for her participation in an illicit auction.
“There’s been some complications,” Zan replied, as the car was sent briefly airborne by a speed bump. When the front wheels and bumper met the concrete again in a spray of sparks, she continued.
“To make a long story short, our family’s been compromised. My parents thought you weren’t worth rescuing, and that my sister should be handed back to her worthless parents. The Syndicate’s collapsing from the inside out. I'm going to bring things back to how they should be.”
“Wait, Fen’s involved in this?”
“That’s right. I imagine she’s being hunted as we speak. Luckily, I’ve got a trustworthy ally, and as long as she’s in his hands, she’ll be safe.”
Zanipher grinned unconsciously, and Alyxia blinked in confusion.
“And who’s that?”
“Oh, just my new boyfriend. Decadere Diaboli, I think you’ve met him?”
“I’ll give you the full recap when we’re somewhere safe,” Zan interrupted, her demeanor snapping back to business as she swung the wheel left, bringing the car to a screeching halt in a dank alley. “From here, we’ll go to my hideout on foot. And here, your change of clothes. Orange doesn’t suit you.”
Thus it was that Zanipher had broken her younger cousin out of jail, aided by an incognito operation and a few hefty bribes to make the right people look the wrong way. Alyxia was still at her hotel room now, and she was confident the youngster would still be there when she returned. For the time being, though, she was in the domicile of her unexpectedly truest ally yet, the man she’d been willing to risk her life and limb for despite their checkered past.
Decadere Diaboli had promised he’d be there for her. And at this point, the Ninth Dragon of Vale was gonna need all the help she could get.
Although i havent posted my ocs i can rp as my oc team SOUL if i am alowed to join))
Crowds of humans and faunus filled the streets while decorations of various animes and games covered the buildings. Food stalls, toy stands, artists and stands for early access to upcoming video games. All for the public to enjoy on this bright sunny day.
Photos were being take, friends were laughing and sheering and nerds were arguing over specifics on who's favourite waifu was the strongest. All around there was just good times
It was rare for such large convention to be held in the valley but it was one the locals were already becoming quite fond of. Tourism was proving to be great for business. Especially with those planning to also get a free picture with the royal family of the Valley.
(A bit generic I know but, it's been a while since I did a starter post.)
“You have to be kidding me.”
“And what about this, my dear, makes it seem like a joke?”
Zanipher Hei’An leaned on the mahogany wood table of her father’s office, hands splayed across the varnished counter as her father gazed back at her from his leather office chair. The Ninth Dragon’s mouth hung agape in disbelief, but her father was perfectly composed, hands clasped with his elbows resting lightly on the arms of his seat as he gave an expectant cock of his eyebrow. The room they faced off in was spacious and modern, and cold in its relative emptiness. The black marble floor was so shiny that Zan could see her own distorted reflection in it, and the bookshelf behind her father was sparsely populated by vintage reading materials and perfectly trimmed potted plants. To one side, the shades were pulled up so that a few rays of light illuminated the dim interior, and far below them the messy world of downtown Vale bustled as always.
The CEO of the Daybreak Syndicate was in the chair, while the Ninth Dragon of Vale stood opposite him. Once, both titles had belonged to Zan, but in the time since her parents returned from their trip overseas, control of the mafia’s company had returned irrevocably to the senior Hei’An. Zanipher had never protested it before, especially given the trust she had had in her father’s management abilities since she was young, but at last it seemed father and daughter had reached an affair upon which neither could compromise.
“We told her she’d be safe in Mistral! I told her the Dragons would leave her alone!” Zan said forcefully.
“That was before the Suzhens changed their mind and contracted us to get her back. Meeting our clients’ demands is an imperative element of the Syndicate’s operations,” Mr. Hei’An responded calmly.
“Dad, that’s my sister,” Zan implored. “You know she hates this life. If she comes back, it’ll destroy her!”
“Zan,” her father said, raising his palms in a placating gesture. “That’s none of my concern. Fen is not your family. Sharing blood does not make her family. This is just business between clients. One we have a tight deadline on. I’m not going to recall our agents.”
Zan stared fiercely at her father, her next words playing on her lips. Countless emotions swirled beneath her cold face, the crimson eyes and set jaw belying her repressed anger. Few people could speak to her in such a way. If it were anybody else, she would stride around the table, seize them by the lapels, and lay down her line without restraint. She could feel the impulse brewing already.
She wouldn’t lash out, though, not against her own father. Instead, she straightened up abruptly.
“Fine. I’ve got work to do, anyway,” she said coldly.
Zanipher stalked out of the room, shutting the heavy wooden door loudly behind her, and began striding down the carpeted hallway. At the end waited a young man, her first cousin and right hand man, Tez.
“No luck?” he asked, following her as she stepped into the elevator and punched a floor number. The cousins stood side by side as the elevator began its smooth descent.
“I need to go to Mistral. I can’t let them take Fen back to her parents,” Zanipher said firmly. She was already visualizing the route in her head, the things she would need to bring. She’d pack lightly.
“Not everyone’s happy with this, but it’s your dad, you know,” Tez reminded her. “He’s got the full support of the senior council. Even if we like Fen personally, we can’t say no to our parents.”
“Maybe, but I’m going anyway. Can you cover for me, Tez?” Zan asked, watching the digital numbers on the wall gradually decrease.
“I can buy you some time. Try not to be away too long,” he responded, adjusting his cuffs instinctively. The elevator dinged as it reached ground level, and the young white-collar duo strode out into the lobby past the waiting clients and into the busy street.
This was how the Ninth Dragon of Vale found herself walking the streets of Mistral once more. In keeping up a semblance of inconspicuousness, she was clad in an army green buttoned overcoat, with black jeans and knee high laced leather boots. Her black hair was tied into a high ponytail, and over her shoulder was slung a small fashionable rucksack. However, Zan’s stride was as confident and purposeful as always, betraying her don’s demeanor as she neared her destination.
A graceful glass tower stretched upwards before her, its sharp silhouette startling amidst the traditional domiciles surrounding it with their tiled eaves and overhangs. She hadn’t expected to find Fen here, in the residence of a man she’d coldly sworn off months ago. But fate had a way of working, and she had scarcely landed in the eastern kingdom when she received a call from somebody she thought she’d never hear from again.
Decadere Diaboli had her sister. And the Ninth Dragon of Vale was going to do whatever it took to get her back.
You can join if there are spots available, also my oc that I will play as is GABRIEL FLYER from the Team BIGG oc’s [[1]]
It had been about three months since the events of the Black Coffin. Wolfe was training with his protoge and his pupil using his new method of fighting, a sword and spear. He was holding his own against the two, Maria using her new training gunblade and Faye was given a rapier.
The stands of the arena were packed with Aster and Ginger as well as Kurai and Ranna. Aster was, sitting on Gingers lap, a first for the bunny, she was still a little off about her dad and Ginger being together, but of course it was just a little jealousy that she wasn't his favourite anymore.
"Faye, your form is off you are using a sword built for precision like a butchers carving blade." he said blocking her with his sword as he used his spear to hold Maria back, "Maria focus!" he said as he pushed her back.
Another day in the familiar setting of the vally, early afternoon as the faint breeze of fall blew leaves onto the Silverwood training field, providing a fresh breath of air for Tyrian and Liadan as the two fought each other, poth using training gauntlets under the supervision of Ranna Silverwood and Kurai Jade.
Both kids were going at each other with full force but their tactics were very different. Liadan herself was using brute force to aggressively push her way through her foe's defences, keeping her guard up wile Tyrian herself kept oon moving in a circle backwads, on the defensive with small movements to dodge and counter the panda's flying fists.
The Valley was quiet for once as Wolfe and Aster sat there. The two having a picnic waiting for Maria and Liadan to arrive with Maria's big sister, Ginger.
The bunny had curled up with her wolven dad and happily nommed on carrot sticks and hummus while they waited
"Not really. But going to say, perhaps it was by underestimating an opponent." Arthur replied back in a calm tone, trying to hide his burning desire to just punch the man in the face. He knew tactics like this all too well. The eye was disgusting to look at but Arthur wasn't going to show it. Plus, at least now he knew the man had a blind spot and a easy weak point.
"It's fine. I'm just, not good for relationships. Long term ones at least." Akari replied to Luna as she made herself look up slightly and resumed eating, at least at a slow pace.She had already told Clover about how her parents completely disowned her due to her aggressive attitude and criminal lifestyle. right now it seemed as though this was just another example of people wanting to leave her once they get too close.
".... Perhaps it's for the best. Clover, really deseves someone better."
Decadere Diaboli had never liked Vale. It was a dull city, comprised primarily - it seemed - of equally dull people. If he hadn't known better, he would have thought the city itself was afflicted with some kind of wasting sickness. But no, even after all this time, Vale was just as sad and grey as he remembered.
He hadn't been in the city long, but already he felt a part of himself longing to return home, to Mistral. There was no shortage of work to be done there. Weapons to be bought. Plans to be made. Orders to be given...
As the mobster made his way downtown, he caught a flash of movement to his right, and turned to find himself standing outside a small bakery. Directly in front of him stood a young man - sharply dressed in a bespoke white suit that matched his ashen hair, and whose pale skin was marred slightly by still-healing burns that adorned the left side of his face. Three silver rings held shut his left eyelid, concealing the dark pit behind, while his right eye gleamed like a pale blue gemstone.
Diaboli studied his reflection intently for a moment, running his gloved fingers over the faint scarring before pushing them through his messy fringe. These last few weeks hadn't been kind to him, that was true. Yet after years of idle waiting, he finally felt a reinvigorating excitement taking hold, and he watched as the corners of the reflection's mouth pulled up in a small, satisfied smile.
This is my hour.
There was just one problem. A problem that had been troubling him for some time now.
The Ninth Dragon.
When Diaboli had last spoken with Zanipher Hei'An, he had been certain they had come to an understanding. Vale was her territory, just as Mistral was his. And while their relationship had not been the healthiest at times, even he couldn't deny their compatability. Was he naive for thinking that such a friendship could be maintained? Probably. But that didn't make her betrayal any less painful.
"I just don't get it," he admitted to his reflection, hoping it would reveal some hint as to the mistake he had made. Instead, the man in the glass merely narrowed his gaze, almost in reprimand.
Behind the man, a cloaked figure stood. Seven feet tall, and swathed head to toe in dark green fabric, the giant waited with infinite patience as Diaboli glared daggers at himself. Fellow pedestrians - no doubt overly familiar with strange individuals in their city - paid little attention to the pair as they went about their business. Had they been able to see the armoured plating and synthetic scales beneath the cloth, though, their presence might have been a fair bit more alarming.
"Come on. Let's get this over with," Diaboli decided, turning sharply away from the storefront and motioning for his loyal shadow to follow.
A few city blocks later, the grey architecture surrounding them began to peel away and become replaced with somewhat more impressive buildings. Diaboli noted how the casual outfits of the city's residents were slowly replaced with smarter attires more fitting for the area's more commercial orientation, confirming in his mind that they were headed in the right direction.
Soon after, Diaboli found himself standing outside a tall office building. Nothing conspicuous stood out to the mobster, but no doubt that was the point. Above him, a security camera pointed directly down at him, obviously orientated to get a clear view of anybody coming in and out of the front entrance. He looked up at it for several long seconds, before turning to his companion.
"Stay here. These people might still be a bit miffed about you breaking down their door the first time around." Flattening the front of his suit, Diaboli tightened the patchwork tie around his neck and coughed awkwardly. "If I you don't hear from me in an hour, proceed with the plan."
As his bodyguard took his place outside the Syndicate building, Diaboli took a deep breath - glanced at the camera one last time - before stepping forward and pushing open the double doors to the Dragon's den.
(Gotta make another thread; For this fight. >.<) "What's the matter little man!; You were talking all that big stuff earlier!..Calling me a bugg and a mutt!..Where is that fire that Atlasian' pride! You know! The one where you think yourself above everyone!?". Clover shouted to the huntsmen mockingly; As she charged at him again but this time she used some earth dust and another screech to this time cause the ground around him to bring him back down to the ground.
She was using a low gutteral scream to cause the ground to crumple around him as she was aiming to trap the mech under rumble.
The boy yelled inside his suit while covering his ears, the sound of Clover's semblance now audiable through the damaged parts of his armour. Gritting his teeth however, he began to grab hold of his controls and punch his way past the rocks, charging straight towards Clover with short sporadic bursts from his boosters to quickly change directions to make him harder to hit and to make his hits become even faster.It was him finally giving his all in battle, desperately trying to reaffirm his dominance in battle.
"That doesn't mean you aim a gun at her! Would you aim a gun at Aster? I bloody think not!" Ambra called out to the guard as she argued with her, appearing almost as if she was aboujt to hit the guard with her own gun if she dared to say another word.
"B-But I can help her! I know where she is!" Maria tried to explain to her sister as she was released by the guard, hoping that she'd listen to her and let her do her job as Aster's future bodyguard.
"... That's an interesting idea. Though, these lessons haven't exactly felt like hell." The girl noted as she looked up at her tutor, pondering what his own training must have been like. Maybe there was some things her mother could pick up from his style.
It had been a long night and a long sleep through the morning. Probably no one wanted to remember what happened but the truth was still there. Lady Wyvern and her troops were slaughtered in cold blood and the makeshift funeral was already done.
Akari was one of those who had the unfortunate task of dealing with the scene. She even had to sleep pver at Clover's place. And though she wanted to go back to sleep in the large comfortable bed, whe knew that she had to get up..... However, she then noticed that there was something heavy on her chest..... Something with furry legs....
This roleplay takes place in a small made up town in Vauco, where Grimm are starting to infest. But there's more than grimm in Vauco...
Please ask to join. I will approve of your OC's if i think they're good enough (anythings good enough for me). But please, no overpowered OC's.
Here is the critera for your OC:
Appearance (in brief. eye color, hair color, etc.):
Just an example, this is my OC in that format:
Name: Lexha Helmlord
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Funny, awkward, outgoing, clumsy, weird, energetic, crazy
Appearance: Waist-length pastel purple hair in a ponytail, vivid pink & blue eyes, and olive skin. About 5'3 in height, and muscular, lean build.
Semblence: can turn to dust when being hit by something, then reform but it drains energy and can not do it as a reflex.
Other: she's bi
PLZ JOIN I NEED PEPPLZ ;-; (FYI I will be playing as Lexha)